wxChecksums > Manual
Copyright © 2003-2004 Julien Couot.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
wxChecksums is a program which calculates and verifies checksums1. So you can check the integrity of one or more files.
wxChecksums is able to read and write files in SFV and MD5 (files generated by md5sum) format.
wxChecksums is available under Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP and Linux.
Note: In this manual some dialogs will be in french because I cannot have access to a Windows in english language. If you have Windows in english, all the dialogs should be displayed in english.
Back to the table of contents.
There is three ways to install wxChecksums:
Note: If you are using Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, launch the installer from an administrator account if you want to create icons in the start menu for all the users of the machine. If you to wish to create icons in the start menu only for you, launch the installer from your account.
Note: A shell extension for the Windows' explorer is also available. It permits you to creates checksums' files directly from the explorer. For more information, please see the web page of wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows.
A RPM package is provided for Mandrake Linux 9.2. For others Linux distributions,
please compile the source code with the instructions given in the COMPILE.txt
Back to the table of contents.
The checksums' files are files which contain information that check the integrity of other files. There are various methods to calculate a checksum.
wxChecksums currently manages two types of files:
The checksums can only check the integrity of the files and cannot repair them. If you wish a tool allowing you to check the integrity of the files and to repair them, visit the site of Parchive.
The checksums' files store only information to check the integrity of the files, not the files themselves.
The relative file names are file names given from a reference directory. The absolute file names are file names whose path is completely defined.
..\my images\my_image.png
my images\my_image.png
C:\My documents\My images\my_image.png
The file names are stored in the relative form in the cheksums' files. The reference directory is which where the checksums' file itself is stored.
It is strongly advised to save the checksums' file in the directory where the files to be checked are.
Here the main window of wxChecksums:
This window is composed of:
The creation of a file is done by the File> New... menu or by the
Choose the type and the name of the new checksums' file in the following dialog:
The Browser... button allows you to choose a file name with a traditional dialog:
The opening of a checksums' file can be done in two ways:
When a checksums' file was modified, you can save it by the File > Save
menu or by the
To save the checksums' file under another name, use the File > Save as... menu.
Use the File > Close menu.
Adding files in the checksums' file can be done in four ways:
The Pattern(s) field permits you to indicate
which files you want to add using substitution characters. The *
character replaces a sequence of characters and the character ?
replaces a single character. You can specify several matching patterns by
separating them by the character ;
For example if you want to select all the bmp files which begin by
Birthday, the matching pattern will be: Birthday*.bmp
If you want to select all the files with extension which finish by pp,
the matching pattern will be *.?pp
. If you want to select all
the files with cpp and h extension, the filter will be: *.cpp;*.h
The Directory field permits to indicate from which directory the
search must begin. This directory can be absolute or relative to the directory
in which the checksums' file is present. In the above screenshot, files
corresponding to the matching pattern *.xpm
will be searched
in the directory D:\wx\src
because the checksums' file in which
these files will be added is D:\wx\src\images.sfv
(the name
of the file is indicated in the title bar of the dialog).
The Depth field indicates the recursion level with which the files
will be searched from the given directory. 0
means there is
no limit, 1
search only in the given directory, 2
search only in the given directory and its direct subdirectory, ...
In the above screenshot, the XPM files will be searched and added from
the D:\wx\src
directory, the PNG files from the D:\wx\manual
directory, the JPEG files from the D:\wx
directory, the GIF
files from the D:\wx\src\docs\html
directory (and not in its
subdirectories as the depth limit was fixed at 1). Note that the JPEG files
will be searched in the subdirectories of D:\wx\src\docs\html
because D:\wx\src\docs\html
is a subdirectory of D:\wx
and there is no depth limit on the matching pattern in third position.
It is possible to save and reload the list of matching patterns using the Add list, Load list and Save list buttons. Add list loads the list of the matching patterns and adds it to the existing matching patterns, whereas Load list removes the existing matching patterns before adding the loaded matching patterns.
Note: if a file is already present in the checksums' file, it is not added.
To remove files from the checksums' file, use the Sums > Remove menu. The files are removed from the checksums' file but not from the disc.
To check the integrity of the files, use the Sums > Check menu or
tool . If no file is selected all the files will be checked.
To recompute the checksum of the files, use the Sums > Recompute
menu or the
tool . The checksums will be recomputed only for the selected files.
It is possible to check simultaneously several checksums' files, by the command Tools > Check multiple checksums' files....
The first dialog permits you to choose the checksums' files to check:
This dialog works like the Add matching files dialog, but the Search and add button launch immediately the file search and you can only specify absolute directory names.
Once the checksums' files to check are selected, the following progress dialog is displayed:
The displayed information can be set in the Multiple check section of the settings dialog.
The batch creation of checksums' files permits you to create one or more checksums' file types per file that you have previously selected. The batch creation of checksums' files is accessible by the command Tools > Batch creation of checksums' files....
The first dialog permits you to choose the files from which the checksums' files will be created:
This dialog works like the Add matching files dialog, but the Search and add button launch immediately the file search and you can only specify absolute directory names.
Select at least one type of checksum' file to create for each selected file.
The Options... button permits you to temporary (for the current batch creation process) change the default options for the batch creation of checksums' file defined in the configuration dialog:
For more information on these parameters, please see the Batch creation section of the configuration dialog.
Once the files to process are selected, the following progress dialog is displayed:
The general form of the command line of wxChecksums is:
wxcksums [-h] [-V] [-v] [-a str] [-c str] [-ct str] [-fl str] [--delete-temp-list]
Note that the files with jokers ('*
' and '?
') are
not treated.
Here is a table that sums up the switchs and options that wxChecksums accepts:
Long option name | Short option name | Type | Can't be used with | Can be used with | Description |
--help | -h | Switch | All | Shows an help message. | |
--version | -V | Switch | All | Shows the version of wxChecksums. | |
--verify | -v | Switch | -a, -c | -ct (-ct is ignored), -fl | Verifies the given checksums' file. Only one checksums' file can be specified. |
--append=<str> | -a str | Option (string) | -c, -v | -ct, -fl | Appends to the given checkums' file the given list of files. If the checksums' file doesn't exist, it is created. |
--create=<str> | -c str | Option (string) | -a, -v | -ct, -fl | Creates the given checkums' file and adds to it the given list of files. If the checksums' file exists, it is overwrited (without any warning message). Prefer in general the append option. |
--create-type=<str> | -ct str | Option (string) | -a, -c, -v, -fl |
Specifies the type of checksums' file to create if it doesn't exist. If
this option is not given, wxChecksums uses the extension of the given checksums'
file: md5 for an MD5 checksums' file; for all others extensions
a SFV checksums' file is created. |
--file-list=<str> | -fl str | Option (string) | -a, -c, -v, -ct | Specifies file(s) that contain a list of names of files. Theses files
are text files with one name of file by line. You can specify several lists
of files by separating them by the '| ' character. |
--delete-temp-list | Switch | -fl | When specifying a list of names of files with the -fl option, deletes
those which are temporary. A list of names of files is considered temporary
when the extension of the file that contains the list matches one of the
extensions specified by the Files/TempExts entry in the configuration
file of wxChecksums. Default extensions are tmp and temp .
See the Configuration file section for
more information. |
wxcksums -a wxChecksums-x-x-x.md5 wxChecksums-x.x.x
Appends to the wxChecksums-x-x-x.md5
checksums' file the files
that are in the wxChecksums-x.x.x
directory. If wxChecksums-x-x-x.md5
MD5 checksums' file doesn't exist, it is created.
wxcksums -v C:\Progs\wxChecksums\wxChecksums-x-x-x.sfv
wxcksums -v wxChecksums-x-x-x.sfv
Checks the wxChecksums-x-x-x.sfv
checksums' file.
wxcksums -c wxChecksums.sfv -fl "wxChecksums-1.0.0\wxChecksums-1.0.0.txt|wxChecksums-1.1.0\wxChecksums-1.1.0.tmp"
--delete-temp-list -ct sfv README.txt NEWS.txt
Creates or overwrites the checksums' file wxChecksums.sfv
, loads
the files' names contained in wxChecksums-1.0.0\wxChecksums-1.0.0.txt
and wxChecksums-1.1.0\wxChecksums-1.1.0.tmp
, deletes the file wxChecksums-1.1.0\wxChecksums-1.1.0.tmp
adds to wxChecksums.sfv
the files README.txt
and NEWS.txt
adds to wxChecksums.sfv
the files listed in wxChecksums-1.0.0\wxChecksums-1.0.0.txt
and wxChecksums-1.1.0\wxChecksums-1.1.0.tmp
wxcksums "C:\Documents and Settings\My account\My checksums file.txt"
Opens C:\Documents and Settings\My account\My checksums file.txt
in wxChecksums.
The dialog box of configuration of wxChecksums is accessible by the Settings
> Configure wxChecksums... or by the
tool. It is composed of six panels:
This dialog is resizable and its dimensions are saved when you validate it.
This tab enables you to choose the language that wxChecksums must use. The Language of the system option uses the language of the system if it is available, if not english is used by default.
These parameters defines the behavior of the GUI when wxChecksums is called with options in the command line.
Note: If you use the wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows, these parameters apply for it too because this extension uses the wxChecksums command line to process the action selected by the user.
If the Don't show the GUI if all the checksums are correct option is checked and if you use the --verify switch, the GUI is shown only if one or more checksums are incorrect. If all the checksums are correct and if the Opens a dialog box to sum up the check option in the Behavior page is not checked, no message is displayed to sum up the check.
The When adding files to a checksums' file and When creating a checksums' file options respectively set when to show the GUI when using the --append and --create options. An error can be for example that the checksums' file can't be saved. For the moment no warnings can occurs but future releases of wxChecksums can have it.
The parameters presented above are the default settings. They have been defined to ensure a maximum compatibility with the other software that use SFV files.
The parameters presented above are the default settings. They have been defined to ensure a maximum compatibility with md5sum.
If this option is not set, it is just indicated if all the checksums' files are correct or not.
If this option is not set, it is just indicated if all the files are correct or not.
After computing the checksum(s) of a file, wxChecksums try to save the checksums' file(s). The naming of these checksums' files can be changed in the Create the name of the checksums' file by section:
and asked
for the creation of SFV and MD5 checksums' files, wxChecksums will produce
the myfile.sfv
and myfile.md5
checksums' files.
If you have two or more files with the same names but with different extensions
(for example foo.html
and foo.sxw
), don't use this
and asked for the creation of
SFV and MD5 checksums' files, wxChecksums will produce the myfile.foo.sfv
and myfile.foo.md5
checksums' files.When wxChecksums tries to save the checksums' files, if a checksums' file already exists, you can make wxChecksums:
The verbosity level permits you to choose the quantity of the information displayed in the progress dialog:
Errors only | Display errors only. |
Errors and warnings | Display errors and warnings only. |
Normal | Display all the useful messages. |
Talkative | Display additional information (like the values of the calculated checksums). |
The buttons of the Text colours box allow to change the colour of the text used in the dialog of batch creation of checksums' files.
Back to the table of contents.
directory and is called wxChecksums.ini
directory and is called wxChecksums.ini
is a text file which can be edited with a simple
text editor.
Here the descrition of the entries:
Key | Type | Values | Description |
GUI/ConfigDlg/WindowSize |
int,int | Size of the configuration dialog box. | |
GUI/ConfigDlg/SashPosition |
int | Position of the separator between the tree of selection of the preferences and the preference panels. | |
GUI/Main/SaveWindowPosition |
bool | Save and restore the position of the main window. | |
GUI/Main/SaveWindowSize |
bool | Save and restore the size of the main window. | |
GUI/Main/WindowPosition |
int,int | Position of the main window. | |
GUI/Main/WindowSize |
int,int | Size of the main window. | |
GUI/Main/ShowToolbar |
bool | Show the tools bar. | |
GUI/Main/ShowStatusbar |
bool | Show the status bar. | |
GUI/Main/LastDirectory |
string | Last directory used for the opening of the checksums' files. | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/SaveColumnToSort |
bool | Save the column to sort (and the order). | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnToSort |
int | 0-3 | The column to sort. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/SaveColumnSortOrder |
int | 0-2 | The sort order of the column. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/SaveColumnsWidths |
bool | Save the width of the columns. | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/DirsInAbsolutePath |
bool | Display directory paths in absolute mode. | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/Uppercase |
bool | Display the checksums in uppercase (1 ) or in lowercase (0 ). |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/HRules |
bool | Draws light horizontal rules between rows. | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/VRules |
bool | Draws light vertical rules between columns. | |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnWidthFileName |
int | 1- | Width of the column File name. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnWidthDirectory |
int | 1- | Width of the column Directory. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnWidthChecksumValue |
int | 1- | Width of the column Checksum value. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnWidthState |
int | 1- | Width of the column State. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnFirst |
int | 0-3 | Element of the first column (0 = file name, 1 = directory, 2 = checksum value, 3 = state). |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnSecond |
int | 0-3 | Element of the second column. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnThird |
int | 0-3 | Element of the third column. |
GUI/Main/ChecksumsList/ColumnFourth |
int | 0-3 | Element of the fourth column. |
GUI/Main/History/FileXX |
string | Name of the checksums' files recently opened. XX is an integer
between 00 and 16 . |
GUI/NewFile/LastDirectory |
string | Last directory used for the creation of a new checksums' files. | |
GUI/NewFile/LastFileType |
int | 1-2 | Last type of created checksums' file (1 = SFV, 2 = MD5). |
GUI/Behavior/AutoCheckOnOpen |
bool | Checks automatically the checksums file when opening it. | |
GUI/Behavior/DlgSumUpCheck |
bool | Opens a dialog box to sum up the check. | |
GUI/Behavior/WarnOnInvalidWhenSaving |
bool | Displays a warning if the state of all the files is not 'OK' when saving a checksums file. | |
GUI/CommandLine/DontShowWhenAllCorrect |
bool | Don't show the GUI when all the checksums are correct. | |
GUI/CommandLine/AppendShowGUI |
int | 0-3 | Show the GUI when using the --append option (0 = never, 1 = on errors, 2 = on errors or warnings, 3 = always). |
GUI/CommandLine/CreateShowGUI |
int | 0-3 | Show the GUI when using the --create option (0 = never, 1 = on errors, 2 = on errors or warnings, 3 = always). |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/WindowSize |
int,int | Size of the dialog of adding files using matching patterns. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/LastSaveListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when saving the list of the matching patterns. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/LastAddListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when adding a list of matching patterns. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/LastLoadListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when loading a list of matching patterns. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/History/MatchPatternXX |
string | History of the matching patterns entered in the field Pattern(s).
XX is an interger between 00 and 16 . |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/History/DirectoryXX |
string | History of the directories entered in the field Directory. XX
is an interger between 00 and 16 . |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/PatternsList/SortBy |
int | 0-2 | Sort the list of the matching patterns directory (0), matching pattern (1), depth (2). |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/PatternsList/SortOrder |
int | 0-2 | The sort order (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, 2 = no sort). |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/PatternsList/ColumnWidthDirectory |
int | Width of the column of the directories. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/PatternsList/ColumnWidthPatterns |
int | Width of the column of the matching patterns. | |
GUI/AddMatchingFilesDlg/PatternsList/ColumnWidthDepth |
int | Width of the column of the depths. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/GlobalSummary |
bool | Display a global summary. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/ChecksumsFileSummary |
bool | Display a summary for each checksums' file. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/FileState |
bool | Display the state of each checked file. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/NoCorrectFileState |
bool | Don't display the state of the correct files. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/NormalColour |
int | Colour of the normal text in the dialog of checking of several checksums' files. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/SuccessColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates a success in the dialog of checking of several checksums' files. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/WarningColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates a warning in the dialog of checking of several checksums' files. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/ErrorColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates an error in the dialog of checking of several checksums' files. | |
GUI/MultiCheck/WindowSize |
int,int | Size of the dialog of checking of several checksums' files. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/WindowSize |
string | Size of the dialog for select the checksums' files to check. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/LookInBrowseLastDir |
string | Name of the last directory selected by the Browse command. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/LastSaveListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when saving the list of the checksums' files to check. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/LastAddListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when adding a list of checksums' files to check. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/LastLoadListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when loading a list of checksums' files to check. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/History/NamedXX |
string | History of the names of files or mathing patterns entered in the field
Named. XX is an interger between 00 and
16 . |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/History/LookInXX |
string | History of the directories entered in the field Look in. XX
is an interger between 00 and 16 . |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/FilesList/SortBy |
int | 0-1 | Sort the list of the checksums' files to check by file name (0) or directory name (1). |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/FilesList/SortOrder |
int | 0-2 | The sort order (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, 2 = no sort). |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/FilesList/ColumnWidthFileName |
int | Width of the column of the file names. | |
GUI/MultiCheckConfigDlg/FilesList/ColumnWidthDirectory |
int | Width of the column of the directories. | |
GUI/BatchCreation/OvrCkFileWhenItExists |
bool | If true (=1 ) overwrites the checksums' file
when it exists in the batch creation of checksums' files process. Otherwise
skips the creation of the checksums' file. |
GUI/BatchCreation/ReplaceExtension |
bool | If true (=1 ) names the created checksums' file
by replacing the extension of the source file with the extension of the
type of the checksums' file. Otherwise names the created checksums' file
by adding the extension of the type of the checksums' file to the name of
the source file. |
GUI/BatchCreation/VerbosityLevel |
int | 0-3 | Verbosity level (0 = errors only, 1 = errors and warnings, 2 = normal, 3 = talkative). |
GUI/BatchCreation/NormalColour |
int | Colour of the normal text in the dialog of checking of batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreation/SuccessColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates a success in the dialog of batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreation/WarningColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates a warning in the dialog of batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreation/ErrorColour |
int | Colour of the text that indicates an error in the dialog of batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreation/WindowSize |
int,int | Size of the dialog of batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/WindowSize |
string | Size of the dialog for selecting the files for the batch creation of checksums' files. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/LookInBrowseLastDir |
string | Name of the last directory selected by the Browse command. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/LastSaveListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when saving the list of the files on which the batch creation of checksums' files should be made. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/LastAddListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when adding a list of the files on which the batch creation of checksums' files should be made. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/LastLoadListDirectory |
string | Name of the last directory used when loading a list of the files on which the batch creation of checksums' files should be made. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/History/NamedXX |
string | History of the names of files or mathing patterns entered in the field
Named. XX is an interger between 00 and
16 . |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/History/LookInXX |
string | History of the directories entered in the field Look in. XX
is an interger between 00 and 16 . |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/FilesList/SortBy |
int | 0-1 | Sort the list of the files on which the batch creation of checksums' files should be made by file name (0) or directory name (1). |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/FilesList/SortOrder |
int | 0-2 | The sort order (0 = ascending, 1 = descending, 2 = no sort). |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/FilesList/ColumnWidthFileName |
int | Width of the column of the file names. | |
GUI/BatchCreationConfigDlg/FilesList/ColumnWidthDirectory |
int | Width of the column of the directories. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/ReadPathSeparator |
int | Path separator on reading SFV files. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/WriteGeneratorAndDate |
bool | Save the name of the generator and the date of creation in the comments. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/WriteFileSizeAndDate |
bool | Save the size and the modification date of the files in the comments. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/WritePathSeparator |
int | Path separator on writing. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/WriteEndOfLine |
int | End of line of writng. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/IdentifyAs/Generator |
string | Name of the generator used actually. If it is empty, the name of the application is used. | |
ChecksumsFiles/SFV/IdentifyAs/History/IdentifyXX |
string | History of the names of generator entered. XX is an interger
between 00 and 16 . |
ChecksumsFiles/MD5/ReadPathSeparator |
int | Path separator on reading MD5 files. | |
ChecksumsFiles/MD5/WriteGeneratorAndDate |
bool | Save the name of the generator and the date of creation in the comments. | |
ChecksumsFiles/MD5/WriteFileSizeAndDate |
bool | Save the size and the modification date of the files in the comments. | |
ChecksumsFiles/MD5/WritePathSeparator |
int | Path separator on writing. | |
ChecksumsFiles/MD5/WriteEndOfLine |
int | End of line of writng. | |
Engine/ReadBuffer |
int | 1- | Size of the buffer for reading files. Default value: 0xFFFF . |
Language/Name |
string | en, fr | Language of the user interface. |
Files/TempExts |
string | List of file extensions separated by a space. wxChecksums considers that
the lists of files given with the --file-list option which have an
extension that is present is this parameter are temporary lists of files
and must be deleted. Default value for this parameter is 'tmp temp '. |
From wxChecksums 1.2.0, wxChecksums uses a configuration file to determine which languages are availables. If wxChecksums doesn't find this file, english will be the only available language. The contents of this file won't be described in this manual because it's not useful to the end-users.
Under Windows, wxChecksums searches for this file in the following locations:
environment variable.
This variable must contain a name of file with its complete path, for example
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\wxChecksums\langs.ini
.Under Unix, wxChecksums searches for this file in the following locations:
environment variable.
This variable must contain a name of file with its complete path, for example
.Back to the table of contents.
wxChecksums is released under the GNU GENERAL
See the LICENSE.txt and gpl.txt
files for more details.
wxChecksums uses the wxWidgets toolkit. Please consult its website to take note of its license.
Back to the table of contents.
Julien Couot <jcouot at users.sourceforge.net>
Back to the table of contents.
- wxChecksums homepage.
- Inno Setup homepage.
- GNU project homepage.
Back to the table of contents.
1. Checksum (from Wikipedia):
In computer technology, a checksum is a very simple integrity-protection
measure. It is used mainly in data storage, and networking protocols.
It works by adding up the bytes, or some other basic components in a string of data, and storing the resulting value.
Later, anyone (who has the authentic checksum) can verify that the message was not corrupted by doing the same operation on the data, and "checking" the "sum".